Maritime Infrastructure Governance Specialist

About SEI
Become part of our international non-profit research institute working to bridge science, policy and practice for a sustainable future for all. At Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), you will be joining a world-leading research institute in its field. Our dynamic and expanding workplace employs around 140 people at a centrally located, activity-based HQ office in Stockholm, with an additional 200 employees in seven centres globally.

SEI´s Water, Coasts and Ocean (WCO) team promotes knowledge and creates tools for more inclusive and resilient blue spaces in a changing world. Our work explores the planning of water, coasts, and marine areas, as well as the governance of associated ecosystems, activities, infrastructure, services, risks and economies. The WCO strategy is operationalized through a portfolio of projects connected to three pillars: Blue Economy, One Water and Resilient Infrastructure.

The role
We are looking for a Marine Infrastructure Governance Specialist to strengthen our projects in maritime innovation and sustainable coastal development. This role is ideal for a mid-career professional with strong writing skills, a collaborative mindset, and an interest in exploring the intersection of governance, sustainability and business innovation in marine infrastructure.

You will support ongoing projects, including Living Lab East (Baltic Proper) and other activities under SEI´s C2B2 program (Co-Creating Better Blue).

Key responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to advance sustainable governance and innovation in marine and coastal infrastructure.
  • Facilitate dialogue with stakeholders, including municipalities, businesses, and community organizations, to co-create solutions for marine challenges.
  • Analyse business models and economic impacts to support sustainable development in the blue economy.
  • Contribute to policy recommendations, technical reports, and actionable strategies to enhance governance of marine activities and infrastructure.
  • Organize and lead stakeholder workshops, consultations and other engagement activities.
  • Produce high-quality publications and project outputs that effectively communicate complex ideas.
  • Support proposal development to expand SEI´s portfolio of marine and coastal projects.

Who you are

We are seeking a motivated professional who thrives in a collaborative environment and is passionate about advancing sustainable and inclusive solutions for marine governance and infrastructure.

Required qualifications:

  • At least 5 years of experience in marine governance, infrastructure development, or a related field.
  • Strong communication and writing skills, with the ability to produce impactful publications and reports.
  • A basic understanding of business models and economic principles related to sustainable development in marine sectors.
  • Knowledge of governance processes, permitting frameworks, or environmental policies relevant to marine and coastal sectors.
  • Experience working with diverse stakeholders, including businesses, local governments, and communities.
  • Fluency in English and Swedish

Preferred skills and experience:

  • Background in environmental science, economics, engineering, maritime logistics or other relevant disciplines.
  • Experience in multi-stakeholder or innovation projects.
  • Familiarity with EU-funded projects and their requirements.
  • Interest in promoting equitable transitions within the blue economy.

Why join SEI?

  • Contribute to transformative solutions for sustainable marine and coastal development.
  • Be part of a supportive, inclusive and internationally respected institute.
  • Work in a creative, multidisciplinary environment addressing critical global challenges.

Employment with SEI HQ includes:

  • Collective agreement, including occupational pension and many other collectively agreed benefits.

This is an advertising assignment and the candidates who apply will be sent to SEI for further processing.


Stockholm i Stockholms län


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Recruitment and Competence Specialist
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Om Stockholm Environment Institute

Stockholm Environment Institute — bridging science, policy and practice We are an international non-profit research institute that tackles environment and sustainable development challenges. We empower partners to meet these challenges through cutting-edge research, knowledge, tools and capacity building. Scientific quality and integrity are foundations of our work. Partnership is at the heart of our approach, leading to change that lasts. Our work connects science to policy and practice, aiming to drive tangible impacts. It spans climate change, natural resources, water, air, and health, and addresses questions of governance, innovation, finance, poverty, gender equality and social equity. We are committed to transparency and full disclosure of our funding. The Government of Sweden is our largest funder, and we also receive funds from a range of public research funders, philanthropic foundations, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, governments, NGOs and other partners.

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Om Marinkraft

Marinkraft är ett kompentensföretag med bakgrund inom sjöfarten. Vårt fokus ligger inom utbildning, bemanning och rekrytering. Vi har vårt huvudkontor i anrika Frihamnen i Stockholm men våra kunder finns över hela Sverige.
Marinkraft samordnar utbildningar som ligger i branschens intresse. Hos oss finns utbildare inom bland annat YH, våra kompetenta utbildare drivs av att bidra med kunskap till morgondagens kompetens. Med ett brett kontaktnät kan vi värna om våra studenter, både under och efter utbildningen.
Kunskap, engagemang och vilja är de tre egenskaper vårt medarbetarlag är utrustat med och vi riktar bemanningen dit den gör mest nytta, genom det kan vi frigöra tid och skapa fokus för medarbetarna.
Vi har ett omfattande nätverk, en stor kandidatbank, lång erfarenhet av rekrytering samt en välutvecklad rekryteringsprocess. Vi är med dig från behov till färdig rekrytering. Vår kompetens sträcker sig över flera branscher, inklusive den marina arbetsmarknaden, vi förstår vad olika företag behöver.

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